It's been a long hiatus, but I've finally hit the streams again. Aside from some salt-water action in the Florida Keys in February, it's the 1st official return for me to fly-fishing, at least on the trout streams. Good to be back in action. Tight lines!
Monacacy Creek, Bethlehem, PA
Fished Monocacy Creek in Bethlehem for a short while on Tuesday, the 21st. Water was still low, despite some rain, but was definitely off-color. Fish were rising to midges and yellow crane-flies. Moved a fish to a caddis deer hair dry; no response though to the baetis dropper, nor the tan caddis larva which I switched to. Only fished about 45 minutes. Saw my buddy Dr. Ed Hart. He didn't have much luck either with his soft hackles. As is the case throughout all of PA, WE NEED RAIN!!!
Wednesday saw me up on the Tully out near Reading. I chose the infamous "Road to Nowhere Hole" (underneath the Van Reed Rd. overpass). The water was on the high side. It was running 350+cfs (probably around 380 - 400 cfs was more like it). Fished downstream of the bridge & worked my way up. No dice. Nothing coming up top, stuck with nymphs, still nothing. Skies opened up, heavy shower ensued, but never made it back out on the stream. I'll be heading up there again soon, though.
Hit Valley yesterday (Monday the 27th). Hot day for April, especially with the low water conditions we've been having lately. Arrived at the stream after nine, probably too late, but it was worth while. Talked to a homeowner whose property borders the stream & asked permission to walk through her back yard to the stream. Apparently, the request is more common than I thought. She said they usually tell the fishermen to follow a winding path that leads down to the stream. Very accommodating. I've wanted to fish the stream from that side for a while now. I drifted a deer-hair caddis dry, # 16, down in a nice run. A few rises just where it began to smooth out. Got a hit, but missed'em, second time I had him, but lost him. Brilliant me missed a guide on the rod when lining up & killed my line control. Felt like a decent one, too. Oh, well work the kinks out, I guess. Tried coaxing a few more downstream in a bend pool. I needed to keep out of sight. Good number of fish, typical 6-9 " variety. Tossed them the caddis. No takers. Too spooked by line & shadow of line. Better to hit that spot in low light. I'll rest this spot & hit another next time. May hit the Poconos next week, weather permitting.